Publisher: Precocity Press

“Susan is amazing to work with. She completed her design and publishing tasks within schedule and patiently guided me through the publishing process with encouragement and inspiration. ‘Song of a Lotus Leaf’ is my first book of poetry. I was nervous at first but then absolutely thrilled when Susan showed me the final draft via Zoom. My Word document had become the beautiful book I had dreamed about for a long time!  I highly recommend Susan and Precocity Press. You will not be disappointed!”

Poetry Has the Power to Heal and Comfort during a Pandemic

After visiting her birth country of China during the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, poet and entrepreneur, Dawn Li, Ph.D., was inspired to organize a group of poets from around the world to write inspirational poems in response to the tragedy.

In Poetic Medicine, poets-young and old-came forward in an international effort to unite humanity in a fight against Covid-19. Hailing from places like Nigeria, Australia, India, the United States, Scotland, and China, these poets expressed their own worries, desires, and dreams in words that we can all relate to.

Dawn Li grew up in Southern China, and studied and worked in Wuhan for six years, where the coronavirus hit first. She is the author of Song of a Lotus Leaf, a memoir in poetry, and holds a doctorate in literature from George Washington University.

Poetic Medicine in the Time of Pandemic