
Whether you have completed a first draft or just have a great idea for a book, editorial coaching provides personalized support for the development and completion of your manuscript.

Sessions are primarily 1:1 with additional team input on development strategy, audience identification, publishing options, and marketing.

Coaching packages are customized to meet your specific project and range from 3 sessions over 1-2 months to 12-15 sessions over 6+ months. In between sessions, your coach will edit, review, and give feedback on your draft.

All coaching sessions begin with our custom author questionnaire to help you clarify your vision, identify your target audience(s), and begin brainstorming marketing strategies. Our team will then review your questionnaire, provide feedback, and discuss the general direction/approach to completing the manuscript.

Next we’ll work with you to develop/review your chapter outline and create a plan for finalizing your manuscript. This includes identifying key topics and themes, creating a preliminary table of contents, and establishing a basic chapter structure. We’ll also establish goals, deadlines, and milestones. This plan will create the roadmap for subsequent sessions.