Publisher: Over and Above Creative

“LUCIFER’S GAME” is a tour de force first novel that will capture the hearts of followers of Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and other popular voices in the growing mainstream fields of spiritual enlightenment, psychology and Shadow work. Will Schneider takes readers on an intriguing journey into the unknowable depths of human nature and the universal quest to understand the BIG QUESTIONS: Is this level of our consciousness all there is? Can we learn to step outside the illusion of our reality and find wholeness? Can we transcend our “dark” side to find the light? The story unfolds on one of the exotic tropical islands of Hawaii, where Jackson Trent has come to heal his heart after losing his daughter in a tragic accident. As the writer of a popular blog on self-improvement, he believes he understands human nature, including his own failings. His respite trip is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a mysterious stranger who walks with a ‘shuffle, shuffle, dip of the night.