Publisher: Precocity Press

“From the initial meeting on, everything has been smooth and easy working with Susan and Precocity Press.

I had a quarter complete manuscript and Precocity Press helped develop that into my first book. It was a whirlwind and most of the time I had no idea what I was doing, but Susan walked me through step by step by step — never condescendingly; always with support and encouragement.

To be completely honest, I don’t know if I’d want to write a book again. It was on my bucket list and a dream of mine, for sure — but that actual book writing part was more challenging than I had ever anticipated. Thankfully, when I was stuck, Susan’s team helped me get unstuck and moving. Precocity made things as smooth and easy as possible, every step of the way.

I’m forever grateful for Precocity for making this dream a reality. I wholeheartedly would recommend any author to work with Susan. If you’re still unsure, take advantage of the initial 30 minute session. I was recommended Precocity by a trusted colleague and was unsure until I spoke to Susan.

Once you start, you’ll never look back and you’ll never regret taking this adventure on with Precocity Press!”

As I have heard more and more stories from people who have walked away from the church, I have noticed that there is a hunger for a different narrative than Nationalistic Evangelical American Christian narrative that many people are familiar with. I wanted an opportunity to let people know that, while all of us Christians believe and worship the Triune God, the expression of that faith and worship can be, and is, diverse. Different perspectives; different expressions of faith do exists. To show that, rather than focus on just my story or contemporary stories, I wanted to tell stories from our deep and rich history of saints: these ordinary people who served God in extraordinary ways, transforming lives and their community while doing so.
I believe that my perspective is unique because I’ve always been an in-betweener. Growing up as a Korean-American, I was never “American” enough nor was I ever “Korean” enough and now, professionally, I’m not fully evangelical nor am I fully (traditionally) Episcopalian. I think this “in-betweenness” allows me to serve as a bridge for people.

I envision the readers of this book to be those who regularly attend church, who are deconstructing, who are reconstructing, and those who simply love to hear stories of faith and faithful persons.

When The Saints Go Flying In