The value of marketing your book cannot be underestimated. Marketing is essential to increasing your book’s visibility and promoting it to a wider audience. We are well-versed in a variety of marketing strategies and can collaborate with you to develop an effective marketing plan for your book.
Book Reviews
We can submit your book to be professionally reviewed. You can use these reviews on the back cover, inside your book, on your website, social media, and on your Amazon page.
Book award contests
Every year there are dozens of book award contests, often with multiple categories available for awards. Winning an award is an excellent way to add to your credibility as an author and promote your book. We will navigate the entry process and help select the contest(s) in which your book has the best chance of winning.
We’ll send an early copy of your book to various authorities, experts, and colleagues with an interest in your field. These individuals can provide a testimonial that can be used in marketing materials, quoted in the book, included on your Amazon book page, posted on social media, etc.
Social Media
In today’s world, social media is the primary way to tap into a market for your book. To maximize exposure across multiple social media platforms, many authors hire a social media marketing specialist. Whether you’re a Millennial, savvy Baby Boomer, neophyte, or even cynically disinterested in Facebook and Instagram, we’ll connect you to a professional who can maximize the benefits of using social media to promote your book.
Months before your publication date, we can build a professional website for your book. This is one of the best ways to increase your online visibility. Your website will display your book cover, your bio, and information about purchasing the book.
Blogging is an effective way to promote your book and build a robust audience. Many websites include a blog to boost traffic and engage readers. People all over the world researching your topic may learn about your book through your blog posts. We can create content and promote your book to well-known bloggers who may feature it on their own sites.
Promotional Materials
We can design high quality postcards, bookmarks, posters, flyers, business cards, and ads displaying your book cover and blurbs about your book. Our clients often distribute items to clients and bring them to conferences and book signings.
Book launch party and book signings
These events are a great way to celebrate the completion of your work, introduce yourself and your book to readers, and sell copies of your book. We can connect you with local bookstores, art galleries or coffee shops to host a book signing or book launch event.
Hiring a PR Agent
We have relationships with several PR Agents and we can connect you with a professional agent who specializes in book promotion.
Podcasting and Creating an Audiobook
Podcast audiences have expanded over 100% in the past four years. As an author, you are likely a perfect candidate to host your own podcast or be a guest on a well-known podcast show. You’re articulate and have something important to say and getting your voice out there on a podcast can be a powerful marketing tool for your book. We’ll walk you through the various options for including podcasting in your marketing strategy.
Similar to podcasting, audiobooks are an effective way to market your book and reach audiences that enjoy listening rather than reading. Whether you choose to record your book yourself or hire a professional actor and producer, we can coach you through the process of creating an audiobook.
Make yourself unique in a crowded market
In marketing your book, the key is ultimately to make yourself stand out in a crowded field. With more than 50,000 books published each year, it is likely that your book will not be the first one in whatever category or field you are writing about. Unless you have invented a brand new topic that no author has every written about, you are competing with at least a few other books that are similar to yours. Even if you have a brand new message about your topic, people will not be able to distinguish that it is new unless you capture their attention through your marketing and promotion.
Here are a few guidelines on marketing:
Marketing Mix. Don’t put all your eggs in one marketing basket. In other words, spread yourself out across several marketing channels that you have smartly chosen.
Create Buzz. The beehive approach means building excitement around the launch of your book. There are many ways to create buzz but a good way is reaching out to bloggers and influencers.
Start Your PR Early. It’s important to establish and build an audience before you publish your book. The goal is to create early and all-important sales buzz. Start tweeting, increase your Instagram activity, or write your blog!
Establish your online author presence. This involves a number of actions:
Create your professional Author’s Facebook page
Engage in other social media, including Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest
Make your presence known by getting on other people’s blogs
Present or be a guest on online seminars and workshops
It is said that an author wears many different hats: writer, business entrepreneur, art director, marketing director, and promotions guru. All of these are important but be especially careful not to overlook marketing and promotion if you want to be known and make money as a published author. Too often, authors wait to think about marketing until the book is published. The time lost when you could have been marketing is time you cannot get back, and that can set back your promotion for months.